Friday, August 1, 2014

Field Sketch Maps

Field Sketch maps are very similar to mental maps in the the map is portraying from the perspective of the creator.  The key difference is that field sketch maps are not drawn from memory, rather they are viewed and drawn first hand at the site.  Field sketch maps are often used by contractors, or land surveyors.

An atlas is a collection of maps of the world, with an in depth display of information ranging from topography to distances.  An accurate atlas is very difficult to portray due to the Earths spherical shape.  Above is an image of an Atlas.

Diverging color maps

Diverging color maps are used in the scientific community or analying and labeling light waves, or even simply a color spectrum.  Above is a color map.

Resource Maps

Resource maps can be made from many different map types.  They can integrate anything from topographic map features, to classed choropleth integrations.  Resource maps do exactly as they are named, they map resources in a given area.  Above is a resource map of Texas.

Road Maps

Road maps have been very useful in the past.  However, with increasing use of GPS systems, which can now be integrated into cars, the use of a road map is diminishing.  Above is a great example of the detail and precision of a roadmap of London.

Parallel Coordinate graph
A parallel coordinate graph is usually displayed in a 3d computer generated graph.  It compares two sets of data, and joins them on a linear plane.  The graph is constructed on an X and a Y axis.  Above is a good example of a parallel coordinate graph.

Triangle Plot
Triangle plots compare three separate variables, which value equals the total sum of a constant.  These are often useful in chemistry, as to find a certain rate constant of a compound.  Above is an example of a triangle plot.


Wind rose graphs are used by meteorologists to display wind pattern and wind strength of a particular area.  The wind rose dats back historically and at one point was used on virtually all maps as a combination of a compass and a wind pattern predictor.  Above is an example of a windrose graph.


A climograph is a representation of climate parameters.  They contain an X and Y axis, and are implemented using the standards of a bar and a line graph.  Above in an example of a climograph for Iquiotos, Peru.

Accumulative line graph

An accumulative line graphs contain an X and a Y axis.  A line represents the change over time(x axis) while the Y is the variable of which is fluctuating.  Above is a good example of a cumulative line graph.